The Grass Roots Yoga energy exchange program is a great way to enhance your practice by exchanging your time for unlimited yoga at our studios. This program is an integral part of our working community at each of our studios.

We ask that you can commit to two regular and separate shifts per week, which is roughly 3 hours, in exchange for an unlimited pass to all classes at any time, on any day to visit as much as you lie. This is an amazing opportunity to develop your yoga practice and quickly become a part of our community.
To be accepted for this program, it’s important that you be committed to a regular practice of at least 2-3 classes a week.

How it works?
After each of the AM and PM classes we turn over the studio by moping the main studio floor, tidying up the bathrooms and then the
main areas. This usually takes around 60-75 mins each time. We ask that this is done two times a week in exchange for your unlimited yoga. Usually you are in attendance of the class you are cleaning directly after. If you can’t make the class you are still required to clean.

Is it like a normal job?
Yes. We allocate a permanent shift for this exchange program twice each week and ask that you take this as seriously as any involvement in an organisation be that as a job or even on a volunteer basis. As Grass Roots Yoga is a working studio we rely heavily on this program for the smooth running of our studios.

What if I’m sick, or need time off?
Time off isn’t an issue. We send an email at the beginning of each month and ask if anyone has time off planned. We then put this on our roster that we communicate to each Energy Exchange member. If there are extra shifts available each week and you have the time you can pick up extra shifts, which we pay for additionally.

In the event that you are sick or can’t make a shift then we ask for as much advance notice as possible and ideally only after you have reached out to your colleagues in the program.

How do you begin?
We pair you up with one of the more senior team members that you shadow clean with. They show you what to do and how to do it. Then we allocate you’re your shifts and you can begin practicing at anytime you like.

Email [email protected] to take up this amazing opportunity now!